Want to improve your goal scoring?

Check out the newly released "Goal Scoring With Finesse" ebooks.

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Fi-nesse | fi’nes |

  1. skillful handling of a situation
  2. adroit maneuvering, great skill or style
  3. extreme delicacy or subtlety in action, performance, skill
  4. something done with ease as if second nature

Finesse Hockey Inc. is a hockey consulting company that specializes in player and team development.

Finesse Hockey is owned and operated by Scott Fukami.

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Goal scoring is a craft. There are no secrets to goal scoring… just knowledge. Pure goal scorers have “figured out” a way to put the puck in the net. I have figured it out for you based on techniques I developed and used as a player. I have been sharing this knowledge with my clients for over 20 years.

I created a series of self-learning ebooks to teach you how to score goals. Each ebook is a complete guide with a distinct strategy, step by step instructions, and video demonstrations.

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Watch video examples of "Goal Scoring With Finesse" Moves.

Visit our Youtube channel for more examples.

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Finesse Hockey - @finessehockey